Choose Light was created to remind the people around us that light is the answer – no matter what the question is. This Art Print by Rebecca Puig is handmade in Roswell, Georgia with a whole lotta love.\nA note from the artist: George Sand once said, the artists vocation is to send light into the human heart. Here is my attempt at that in this piece called Choose light.\nAvailable in two sizes:\n\n46\” x 23\”\n72\” x 36\”\n\nAvailable in one frame style:\n\nGallery Wrap\n\nQuotes Include:\n\nLiving isn’t enough, said the butterfly, one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower. Hans Christian Anderson\nLight up the darkness. Bob Marley\nI wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. – Hafiz\nMay you stand in your light, stand in your truth, stand in your power, and dwell in love.\nLive in the sunshine, sim in the sea, drink in the wild air. Ralph Waldo Emerson\nDont forget that maybe you are the lighthouse in someone elses storm.\nShine like the whole universe is yours. Rumi\nThis is a tiny reminder that you are capable of anything.\nDo not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. Ben Franklin\nStay on the sunny side of life.\nBeauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart. Khalil Gibran\nRing the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, thats how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen\nSet your life on fire, seek those who fan your flames. – Rumi\nThere are darknesses in life and there are lights and you are one of the flights, the light of all the lights. Bram Stoker\nYou are divinely guided and you are divinely protected.\nBe like the lotus: trust in the light, grow through the dirt. Believe in new beginnings.\nHey little fighter soon things will be brighter.\nBe around the light bringers, the magic makers, the world shifters, the game shakers. They challenge you, break you open, uplift & expand you.\nMay the sun bring you new energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the breeze blow new strength into your being, may you walk gently thru the world and know its beauty all the days of your life. Apache Blessing\nSo much is happening, be open to the good.\nSee the light in others and treat them as if its all you see. Wayne Dyer\nChoose Light\nAn awake heart is like a sky that pours light. Hafiz\nRadiate Boundless love towards the entire world above, belo & across. The Buddha\nBring me the sunset in a cup. Emily Dickenson\nLive by the sun. Love by the moon.\nBe gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. Max Ehrmann\nEven after all this time the sun never says to the earth, You owe me. Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky. – Rumi\nBelieve in yourself in love, in trust, in magic, in angels, in happy endings, in promises, in miracles, in people, in fairytales, in following your heart, in peace, in happiness, in never giving up, in following your passions and making your dreams come true. In always having fun, in helping people, in making the world a better place, in changing for the better, believe.\nAwake, my dear. Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of light and let it breathe. Hafiz\nRise & Shine\nIf there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person, if there is beauty in the person there will be harmony in the house, if there is harmony in the house there will be order in the nation, if there is order in the nation there will be peace in the world.\nBe a lamp, a lifeboat, a ladder. Help someones soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd. – Rumi\nThis little light of mine, Im going to let it shine.\nTravel light, live light, spread the light, be the light. – Yogi Bhajan\nIf the world is cold, make it your business to build fires. Horace Traubel\nLight up your little corner of the universe.\nMay the long time sun shine upon you all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on.\nWhat is to give light must endure burning. Viktor Frankl\nHello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields. Watch now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness. – Mary Oliver\nTurn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you. Maori Proverb\nMay the journey ahead be blessed with light and love.\nKeep shining beautiful one the world needs your light.\nWe are put on earth for a little space that we may learn to bear the beams of love. – William Blake\nLet your light shine so brightly that others can see their way out of the dark.\nCourage, dear heart. CC Lewis\nBring sunshine into the place you enter.\nThe sun will rise and I will try again.\nLove it the most powerful energy there is. – Basquiat\nYou are my sunshine, my lovely sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. Youll never know dear how much I love you. Please dont take my sunshine away.\nBe patient where you sit in the dark. The dawn is coming. – Rumi\nLight and love around you. Strength & patience to guide you.\nKeep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.\nMay love shine forth from your face enfolding all in peace.\nEyes open. Mind open. Heart open.\nYoure only given one little spark of madness. One musnt lose it. Robin Williams\nShine on you crazy diamond.\nIt is said that the darkest hour of the night comes just before the dawn.\nIf light is in your heart, you will find your way home. – Rumi\nWe are stardust, we are golden.\nThere is always light. If only were brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it. Amanda Gorman\nMay the sun shine warm upon your face\nNamaste\nMy soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you here the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty, and peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, we are one.\nHere comes the sun\nLet nothing dim your light.\nLike the moon, come out from behind the clouds. Shine.\nHow do you say thank you for sunshine or health, for clear days or gentle rains, for happiness, foy or love? You say it by sharing what you have, you say it by making the world a better place in which to live. -Thomas D Willhite\nListen to the inner light, it will guide you. Listen to the inner peace; it will feed you. Listen to the inner love; it will transform you. Sri Chinmoy\nThis bright new day complete with 24 hours of opportunity, choices & attitudes a perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes. This unique gift, this one day cannot be exchanged, replaced, or refunded. Handle with care, only 1 to a customer.\nIf you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. – Roald Dahl\nEver since time began, people have recognized their true love by the light in their eyes. – Paulo Coelho\nIf you are reading this, congratulations, you are alive. If thats not something to smile about, then I dont know what is. Chad Sugg\nHowever long the night the dawn will break. African Proverb\nThis is a symbol of protection: Hamsa literally means five, the number of fingers on a loving hand extending blessings of faith, hope, strength, peace, prosperity.\nDoes the sun ask itself, \”Am I good? Am I worthwhile? Is there enough of me?\” No, it burns and it shines. Does the sun ask itself, \”What does the moon think of me? How does Mars feel about me today?\” No it burns, it shines. Does the sun ask itself, \”Am I as big as other suns in other galaxies? No, it burns, it shines. – Andrea Dworkin\nBe grateful for your life every detail of it and your face will come to shine like a sun and everyone who sees it will be made glad and peaceful. – Rumi\n\n*All of our art prints are hand made to order from start to finish. Production generally takes around 4-6 weeks. Since the art is made by hand the frame and piece of wood the art print comes on is nailed together in the final stage of production. Nail holes are meant to be visible and can be seen in all of our art prints.*\nThis is a custom order